pageSHAPING® is an offensive strategy for Web Presence

The strategy of web sites continues to evolve. The size of the internet creates a global market, but also provides global competition. The marketing savvy of your competitors requires that you spend more time and money to be sure that your customers and potential customers find you, preferably before they find others.
The 4 C's of pageSHAPING®
Your website is influenced by your marketing department, sales department and executive management. In addition, your techies put their mark on it … but don’t stop there!
A strategic process for analyzing your web site pages, your advertising, your customers, your competition, their advertising, your marketing outlets and marketing goals … then spinning these together to define the way your web pages need to perform.
pageSHAPING® - for SEO Excellence
Regardless of the purpose of your website, there are four different perspectives of influence that shape it's design.
Your COMPANY, represented by many individuals, has a lot of ideas about the layout and content. While this is very valuable, it is typically narrowly focused and will not alone provide the success you want in a web site.
Usually the CREATIVE team, whether it's an in house effort or outsourced, has their ideas for making the best of things. No offense intended to the techies, but this is sometimes more about dazzle and glitz than results.
The CUSTOMER is an often forgotten element. This does not mean that your current web site is not designed for your customer, but it's usually done based on what the sales department thinks a customer wants.
Finally, what about the COMPETITION? We're not talking about looking at their website and trying to duplicate it! Does your competition achieve the results you want to achieve? How do they do it? Where do they fall short? Why not use the lessons you can learn from them to make your site better?
Putting these four areas of influence together and balancing the needs of each with the goal of effectiveness is what really identifies the leaders.